Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I wish I wrote more.
I read other blogs, sometimes daily.  Sometimes weekly.  Sometimes once in a while.
Then I think, who reads mine?  Who reads my stories? Who likes my posts? How do they find it? Do they inspire people?  Do they motivate?   Do people share "Little Things, Big Joy"?  Do they pass it up?  Do they even like my posts?
Questions.  They are pretty endless.  I spent time asking myself questions that never end.
Then it hit me...
I don't need answers.
I don't need to know what anyone else thinks.  I don't need to focus on how many followers I have.  I don't need to focus on who likes what I post.

When I write, I write my story.  I spill my life.  When I write, no one should get in my way.
No one ever said I couldn't express myself.  So here I am, expressing myself.
I give up.  I give up on the internet.  I give up on not writing, which is something i love to do.
How do I solve my problem?  Write a little more of course.  Each day, I am given a freedom to write whatever I want, however I want, whenever I want!!!  I'm done denying myself that freedom,

So here I am...


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